The GRANADA A PIE logo is a registered trademark and property of GRANADA A PIE Sociedad Limitada with CIF: B18934547 total or partial reproduction without prior consent by the company is prohibited, as well as the text content found on the website or photographic material created by Abril López Jiménez.
GRANADA A PIE is a Licensed Travel Agency (CIAN): 185056-3
Below we will detail the obligations of the Users and the Portal Administrator that will govern the Rules of Use.
1. Obligations of the Users of the GRANADA A PIE SL Portal.
a. You guarantee that all the information and data you provide to facilitate the processing of services to GRANADA A PIE SL is authentic, correct, genuine and truthful. You shall be solely and absolutely liable for all damages that may result from any false or incorrect representation made by you when using this Site. If you provide false, inaccurate or incomplete information or the Portal Administrator has reasonable grounds to suspect such conduct, it may terminate your account and deny you access to and use of the Portal.
b. You agree to refrain from using this Portal in any way or form that may damage, render useless or impede the normal operation of the equipment or the documents and files stored in any computer equipment of GRANADA A PIE SL. Any user who attempts to denigrate the security or impede the operation of the computer systems of GRANADA A PIE SL is subject to administrative and/or criminal penalties.
c. You undertake not to use the Portal to carry out activities contrary to the Law, morals, good customs or public order for purposes or effects that are illicit, prohibited or harmful to the rights and interests of third parties.
e. You undertake not to alter the technical protection devices, electronic fingerprints, other protection instruments or the Copyright mentions or other data that identify the intellectual or industrial property rights of the GRANADA A PIE SL Portal
f. It is your responsibility to notify the following address, webmaster (at) granadaapie.com, of any irregularity, error or inaccuracy that you become aware of while using this service.
2. Obligations of the administrator of the electronic portal for users of the GRANADA A PIE SL portal
a. GRANADA A PIE SL undertakes to comply with the Privacy Policy published on the Portal.
b. GRANADA A PIE SL undertakes to adopt reasonable security measures to safeguard information, in order to guarantee the maximum security and confidentiality of communications, minimizing the risks involved in the cyber environment. However, it is noted that security measures on the Internet are not invulnerable, the networks used on the Internet are not secure, and any communication on this medium can be intercepted or modified by unauthorized persons. GRANADA A PIE SL does not accept responsibility for security failures in operational areas beyond its exclusive control.
c. GRANADA A PIE SL may deny, withdraw, suspend and/or block at any time and without prior notice access to the contents or the provision of services to Users who fail to comply with these Terms of Use or the applicable Particular Conditions.